Easy 2 Unit Class in Cal Poly Pomona

As August approaches, more and more classes get filled up. However, some students go towards harder courses to challenge themselves. With that being said, many courses at Cal Poly Ponoma are still available throughout the first few weeks of school. Maybe you accidentally take classes that are all hard and want to take a few that are easy to pass. Below are some of the easiest courses to take at Cal Poly Ponoma!

1. AG 101 - Agriculture and the Modern World

Agriculture is a part of every person's life. It's one of the very few things that allows us to thrive as a species. This course will introduce students to the history of agriculture, the integration into societies, communities, and how it has enhanced many economic and political institutions. Students will also learn about the current state of agriculture today and how it has manifested to fit the needs of today's rising population.

2. ANT 102 - Introduction to Cultural Anthropology

Anthropology is the study of how a society and different cultures develops. This course will explore the different cultures of today's world and how they relate to many phenomena from the past and present. Students will also be introduced to various religion and value systems, literature, communities, and the processes of how a culture develops among different people.

3. BIO 301 - Human Sexuality

In this course, students will study about the basics of sexuality as it relates to humans through various discussion-based lectures, films, field trips, and guest speakers. Students will study the anatomy and physiology of humans, their sexual responses and urges, hormones, birth control, and the reproductions process. Students will also explore the development sand current misconceptions among this broad topic.

4. CHM 101 - Consumer Chemistry

This is an introductory course that is geared towards introducing students to the world of chemistry. Students will learn about atoms, molecules, and their chemical bonds. Topics to be discussed are petrochemicals, plastics and fibers around the world, pollution of the water and air, food, drugs, the human body, poisons, and how nuclear energy effects today's world.

5. CIS 100 - Personal Cyber Wellness

Have you ever wondered about what it's like to be well in the digital world? This course introduces a wide-array of topics that gives students a chance to think critically about what cyber wellness really means. Students will explore the policy guidelines of different sites on the internet, risk management, social media, professional behavior on the internet, how to identify unusual activity, and how to minimize attacks as it relates to cyber security.

6. COM 131 - Photography

Picture this! A world full of pictures on various online social media platforms and on many media outlets. How do people capture such stunning pictures? This class is designed to teach students the basics of photography. Students will learn the many photographic techniques which include taking a photo, how to process it manually, and selecting good photos to publish.

7. GSC 101 - The Earth Revealed

Have you ever wondered how people read physical maps without the use of technology? Maybe you just wondered about geology and the earth as a whole. This course allows students to explore the basic fundamentals of geology, oceanography and the Earth's atmosphere. Students will also learn about how these all relate to space as a whole, including our own galaxy, the Milky Way.

8. HST 202 - United States History

This course allows students to study American history from 1877, the era of Reconstruction, to present-day times. Students will learn about the diversity of the American people and why the country is known as a melting pot, the social and political movements that have shaped what America is today, and cultural and economic trends that have helped to establish the US as a world power.

9. HUM 201 - Introduction to the Humanities

Artistic expression is everywhere, it's what makes up many of the world's leading cultures. This class will explore the basic practices and methods of arts and humanities. Students will learn about the history art, philosophical expression imposed on various artists and their own artwork, and various literary texts as well. Students will be able to analyze many artworks as whole throughout the duration of this course.

10. KIN 116A - Yoga/Meditation

The mind, the body, and the spirit. These are the basic foundations of yoga and mediation. This class will allow students to be at one with their own mind. Students will be able to engage in practices of yoga that will help them to relieve stress levels and meditation practices that will help them to achieve peace which is much-needed as a college student anyways.These courses are designed to help  students to engage more into the class, instead of focusing on things outside of it. Minimal effort is required. As long as you show up and participate from time to time, you're sure to get an A that will help to boost that college GPA!


Source: https://oneclass.com/blog/cal-poly-pomona/62511-10-of-the-easiest-classes-at-cal-poly-ponoma.en.html

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