Video camera icon

Last year, I had an emergency and needed to exist out of town immediately. I did not catch my laptop, knowing I would take access to a figurer and then I could post the materials to my Blackboard class. But I didn't realize that the estimator did not have a photographic camera, making recording a brief intro video to explain things to my students a little more hard.

Simply I had my phone, and I knew about the complimentary Fuse mobile app, which tin exist set up to connect to our Relay server where I mail service my other videos. This immune me to employ my phone photographic camera to record a brief video in which I explained the assignment to exist done while I was away and to connect with my students.

There are a number of reasons that recording from your mobile device is preferable, though. Perhaps you want to provide a video of just your face, in instance you are providing feedback or explaining an assignment. Perhaps you want to record a grade visit or other upshot that would exist useful for students to view in the hereafter. In all of these cases, Fuse lets you tape and upload to our Relay server, where your video can be saved without eating your phone'south storage.

First, though, we have to set up the app to connect to our Saint Rose Relay server. That's where this is going to start!

[alarm]If you lot are not already a Relay user, you volition need to contact ITS Online Learning Services to have your business relationship setup before using Fuse.[/alert]

To Brainstorm – Setting upwardly the Fuse App

  • Download the app from your device'southward app store and open it on your device. (I will exist using the iOS app, so Android devices may await slightly unlike from these pictures.)

Location of the library button in the Fuse main screen

  • The app automatically opens to a camera preview. Click on the Library button in the lower left corner.

Location of the Settings button in Fuse

  • The library is where the app will store all of your videos and photos taken in Fuse (in the image, you tin can see my brief recording from the scenario I talked about above). To prepare upwardly your connectedness, clickSettings in the lower right corner.

Location of the Relay settings in Fuse app

  • There are several options for connections for the Fuse app. For our purposes, we want to choose TechSmith Relay on the Settings page.

Sign in to Relay link in the Fuse app

  • If this is your starting time time in the app, you'll see a Sign In option on this page. Tap on it to enter your settings.

Location of manual option in the Fuse app

QR Code for Fuse App

  • If you're looking at this on your computer and accept your mobile device handy, click on the thumbnail image to the right to use the QR code for setting up the device.

If not, don't worry! We can enter the settings manually too. Click on Manually Connect at the bottom of the screen.

Location of server URL entry

  • In the popup window that appears, in the text field and clickConnect.

Location of log in information and Done button

  • This volition bring you lot to a log in screen. Type in your Saint Rose credentials and click Done.

Congratulations! Y'all've set Fuse on your mobile device and are set up to record! The app will call back your settings unless you tell information technology to forget or uninstall information technology from your device, so you should only need to do this once. When you lot're ready, click on the camera icon at the bottom of the page to return to the recording options.

Recording Media for Relay

Camcorder icon leads to recording vide

  • Get-go, decide which camera on your device y'all want to employ. By default, information technology chooses the forward-facing camera (the i that faces out into the room). If y'all would adopt to record yourself speaking, you can click the photographic camera switch iconin the upper right corner to turn it around.
  • When y'all're fix to start recording your video, open the app and choose the video camera icon at the bottom of the screen. The video volition immediately starting time recording, then be prepared!

Location of check icon to stop recording

  • When you're washed recording, click the check marking icon labeledDone. If y'all demand to intermission or restart, there are also Cancel and Pause icons.

Thumbnail location to send to the server

  • When yous click Washed, the app will generate a tiny thumbnail that will appear on the lower correct side. Click on it to go along to submit the video to Relay.

Video preview page and location of the share button

  • On the adjacent screen, you tin can preview the video by pressing the Play icon in the center, or click Submit in the upper correct corner to ship it to Relay.

The Relay option for sharing in the Share menu

  • The Share selection for your device volition appear. On an iPhone or iPad, you may demand to scroll to the correct to find the Relay choice. Click on the Relay icon to proceed.

Location of Profile selection link

  • This screen should wait familiar to those of you who have used the Relay interface on your computer earlier. Here, you lot tin cull the type of contour you want to upload your video every bit. Tap on Name of Profile in the lower right corner to choose.

Options for profiles to select with Quick video selected

  • When choosing your profile, Default Faculty Profile or Quick Video are usually the master choices. Choice your profile and it will return you to the previous screen.

Title and description boxes and location of the Send option

  • Finally, provide a title and description of your video so that you can call up what it is at a subsequently time. When you've completed these fields, you're ready to send it off to the server! Tap Send and your video will upload to our Relay server.

Once your video is processed, you'll receive an email with the link that y'all can provide to your students.